System Source Swap Meet – April 26th and 27th

System Source is hosting a swap meet and workshop the weekend of April 26th and 27th. The swap meet will begin at 8:00 AM on April 26th and vendors may come at 7:00 AM to set up. The swap meet ends at 1:00 AM and food will be sold on site. If there is rain, the swap meet will be moved to Sunday, April 27th After the swap meet, there will be a regular computer workshop in the museum.

At the System Source swap meet, vendors will be able to sell anything they want. There will be space in the front parking lot to sell out of, and space to set up tables and tents.

If you would like to add anything to the sale list, or the request list, please follow the following link:

During the swap meet, there will be burgers, hot dogs and drinks availible for purchase.

The museum is unable to provide any tables, so if you need one you will have to bring one.


IF YOU ARE A VENDOR: Please follow the Goolgle Forms link below to register.

If you would like to attend the swap meet or workshop, please register at the "Register Now" button below.


April 26th, 2025 8:00 AM to April 27th, 2025 5:00 PM
338 Clubhouse Road
Hunt Valley, MD 21031
United States
Phone: 410-771-5544
Phone: 724-712-3966